Safety & Money: The Heart-Centered Leader’s New Dream

“Money money money money, money

Some people got to have it, yeah, some people really need it

Listen to me y’all, do things, do things, do things, bad things with it

Well, you wanna do things, do things, do things, good things with it, yeah, uh”
The O’Jays – For The Love of Money

For the past couple of months, the topic of money has repeatedly shown up as one of the focus areas for my own restoration journey and business growth.  

Honestly, I’m not surprised. 

Growing up in a middle-class family, I heard all sorts of mixed messages. When I thought about having more money and a profitable business, I thought about things like:  

Negative Associations
  • Greed 
  • Stinginess
  • Corruption
  • Anger / Bitterness 
  • Injustice
  • Manipulation
Positive Associations
  • Freedom 
  • Space 
  • Charity 
  • Peace / Relief 
  • Opportunity 
  • Choice 

It’s no wonder my relationship to making money, growing my business, and building wealth always felt complicated.  

Money Blocks Keep Impacting Your Progress

I’ve seen this same struggle with my clients who are heart-centered, service-led entrepreneurs, business owners, and corporate leaders.

If you’re anything like them, here’s what I know about you. You’re incredibly generous with your time and energy. You want your clients and community to succeed, and you want to have a successful business. 

However, when it comes time for money to be a part of the conversation, you clam up, try to speed past that part, or manage to get in your own way. I know because that was me too.

Acknowledging and working with your money blocks can be uncomfortable, but ignoring them isn’t good for you or sustainable for your business. In fact, running away only prolongs your money from coming in.  

An Important Piece in Making Your Money Shift 

That’s why I believe a key part of the restoration process if you’ve had challenges with money is actively reprogramming your outdated narratives with new, restorative ones.  

Here’s the catch. It has to go beyond mindset work. Although that can be helpful, what’s really needed for more thoughtful, empathetic leaders is a more somatic approach. You’ve got to work with your physiology. (Money blocks run deep and are often generational.) 

As different as it might sound, you’ve got to cultivate trust and safety with money. That trust and safety come through a felt sense in the body, in addition to an intellectual understanding of how to effectively manage it.  

What Does It Mean to Have A “Felt Sense” of Money?

We have a visceral response to money. For example, we feel our bodies tense and go into panic if we worry about not having enough. We also feel our bodies more at ease when we know money is in our bank account and we can pay our bills on time.  

Picture money as a pet or a little kid. Both look for trust and safety. These qualities have to exude from you for a pet or a kid to come sit near you. 

Money is the same. It wants to go where it feels at home. That could be next to you. 

Here’s How You Can Begin

  1. Over the course of the next week, pay attention to how your body responds when you make purchases and/or receive money. Is there excitement, enthusiasm, and ease? Or is there panic, agitation, and hesitation? 
  2. Pay attention to your current money stories and consider learning some restorative somatic practices that help you cultivate more ease, enjoyment, and safety in your body as you engage with your money. 
  3. Check out one of my Instagram Live videos (Bypassing Our Money Pain Will Keep Us Financially Stuck:

It’s exciting to see that more entrepreneurs, business owners, and leaders are looking for a different approach to improving their business and financial life. 

I believe it’s important for these new solutions to account for the possibility that some people didn’t have a positive relationship with money in their past. This is why I include high-level nervous system education and somatic practices in my work with clients. 

I know this may not be your traditional way of thinking about money or business. That’s part of the magic of Life Maximizer. I also recognize that if you don’t reimagine or create a different relationship with money, you’ll keep spinning on the same hamster wheel.  

This is one of the key ingredients you need to begin your money shift and become a well-rested, well-paid, deeply appreciated leader. 

Here’s to building a brighter future with money!

If you need help balancing your business growth with your personal sustainability and wellbeing as a leader, let’s talk! Schedule your complimentary 45-minute Life Maximizer Discovery Call.

© 2023 Donell Hill

About Donnie Hill

Imagine a world where business and community leaders are well-rested, well-paid, and deeply appreciated not only for the work they do, but for who they are. Donnie believes business and leadership development can be paths for healing, wealth creation, and community restoration. He is the Founder and CEO of Life Maximizer LLC, a coaching and consulting company dedicated to personal development, business growth strategy, and mental health / burnout recovery for entrepreneurs and leaders. 

Donnie’s work as a restorative leadership and business advisor allows him to combine his former work as a Certified Cancer Coach, his personal healing journey and his trauma-informed approach with his Stanford University education and experience as a communication coach, a marketing strategist, and a sales facilitator. He now supports impact-focused leaders build their business and leadership presence in a strategic and sustainable way so they maximize their contribution without sacrificing their wellbeing and burning themselves out.