Dear Business Leaders…You’re Not Allowed to Hide Anymore!

Your business is calling you out! It’s asking you to step into your next level of greatness, and you can’t ignore it!

Owning, running and growing your business can be one of the scariest and most exhilarating things you could ever do.

You’re the one calling all the shots, but for better or worse, your business is an expression and a reflection of you. So where you are doing things well, woohoo! As for the not-so-pretty parts, ouch! Trust me, I know it’s not always fun or easy to look at, but they hold the key to your new success.

So how do you step into that next level of greatness?

For most of us, we try to stay inside the box. It’s our comfort zone, but if you want to continue to move forward and/or be a thought leader, you can’t use the same thinking or look through the same lens to continue providing innovative, high-quality, life-changing products and services for your clients.

This past Wednesday, I went to a networking event, and it was eye-opening! I had been doing all of this great brainstorming work with colleagues and mentors, but I didn’t realize how isolated and ineffective it was (mainly because I wasn’t sharing these new ideas and insights with the people I’m here to help.)

In that moment, a wave of emotions came over me from sadness and disappointment to shame. So I had to really look at that.

What was the sadness and disappointment about? What was the shame about?

This is what I discovered. I was being called to clean up old patterns and limiting beliefs that were keeping me at the status quo and hindering me from truly stepping into my power as a human being and as a thought leader.

I was being called me out. I was being asked to step up, step out and claim my new space in the world. There was no more time for “preparing” and playing small. It was time for me to step into who I’m here to be and utilize all of my past experiences, gifts, passions and expertise to ignite new business opportunities and new possibilities both for myself and for those I help. And it’s time for you to do the same.

At some point in time, I bought into this belief that I’m supposed to do it all and sacrifice parts of who I am in order to be successful or have a thriving business, and that’s bull!

Wednesday’s event gave me the opportunity to look closely at that limiting belief and make the conscious decision to do something different.

Like you, I’m here for a much bigger purpose. I’m here to change lives and make it a little easier for the people I serve.

I wholeheartedly believe that it is possible to have a successful, thriving business without sacrificing yourself, your well-being and your joy , but you have to be willing to take new action. You have to be willing to do something different.

You are here to thrive. You are here to maximize lives! You are here to have fun. And you are here to connect and share your gifts with other incredible human beings so that, together, we can change the world. Now, you get to do that through your business.

Life is short — Maximize it!

You have lives to change, and it’s time to change them NOW!

So if you are ready to break free and step into your next level of success, it’s time to set up your Maximize Your Impact Breakthrough Session.

All you have to do is click here: Maximize Me!

Your business, your clients and your next level of success are waiting for you to say yes and to show up!

© 2015 Donell Hill

About Donell Hill

Donell (“Donnie”) Hill believes that people are here on Earth to thrive and live their best life possible despite any circumstances that life brings them. He combines his life lessons until now with his Stanford University education, experiences as a Certified Cancer Journey Coach and Peer Health Educator, as a NASM Certified Personal Trainer and a professional actor to help people live their potential and maximize their lives. After all, our collective future depends on it. See for more.