What Leadership Really Means for Impact-Focused Business and Community Leaders

The definition of leadership has changed as a casualty of selective media reports, poor examples, and erosion of basic principles over time (like dignity, respect, human decency). We are continuously moving into new territory as a result of social influences, technological advancements, and emerging needs. As a result, today’s leader does not have the benefit of continuing to do the same crap over and over and over again for predictable results, particularly without taking into account the human beings and communities their decisions impact. Instead, today’s leader is increasingly confronted with ever-changing situations and unknown landscapes for which there are no roadmaps. We’ve never been where we are now. We are in a social pivot point that continues to relentlessly and ceaselessly unfold with a call for alternative solutions to create a better future for more humans. Let’s explore what that means for you as a paradigm-shifting entrepreneur, community or business leader.

I believe leaders are practitioners. The vision you lay out, the conversations you have or the choices you make are muscles you have to workout. When you put intention and attention, they get bigger, stronger, more agile; without such practice, these ‘muscles’ atrophy. With that, there’s a lot of pressure (internal and external) put on leaders to optimize and perform, do the right thing, make the right decision, live by sacrificial narratives such as “it’s better to give than to receive.” And it’s exactly those unrealistic expectations that can set many leaders up for failure as it does not take into account their blindspots and humanity.

While I do believe you have a great deal of responsibility as a leader, it is also important to be conscientious AND compassionate — especially towards yourself. Leading can be hard! Hence, I highly encourage entrepreneurs, and/or business or community leaders, to think of leadership as a practice. Some days you’re going to be great; some days you won’t. Each day, you get to practice doing it better / differently through the creation and delivery of your work.

Reassess for Real Progress

The lack of a proven roadmap for how to move forward means you must reassess nearly everything… how you interact with people, how you run your business, the purpose of your business and in the context of the greater ecosystem (aka, your ripple effect). You must choose daily, sometimes multiple times daily, whether to go with what you know from history or choose something that’s new and unproven. The closest analogy I have is that this is like parents born in the 20th century using 19th century curriculum and methods to teach 21st century children what they need to know about what isn’t known yet. It’s seemingly impossible and, yet, here it is.

Naturally, fear and/or frustration comes up for most leaders who face uncertainty while necessity keeps them forging ahead. But it is exactly there – in the place of not knowing – that opportunities live… the opportunity to learn, to become a better, kinder human, to make a real difference in people’s lives, to create new solutions and so much more. Leaders are not constrained by rule books of yesterday; in fact, that can keep them stuck or looping in retreat patterns. Leaders must define a new playbook as they go… here are four things I find essential in that process.

Evolving Playbook Elements

  1. You can’t do it all. You don’t know it all, nor do you need to.

Leaders are not the solution nor the answer holders; in fact, they’re more the question askers! Good leaders are willing to trust and rely on the expertise of those around them for a more holistic picture and for practical support in making things happen. One person cannot create (and sustain) the shift needed on their own. The exhaustion and amount of mental bandwidth many leaders are having to expend right now to take care of their home life, just keep the lights on at work, and forge ahead on projects easily taps out available energy and resources. (If you haven’t yet registered for my webinar on this topic, check it out here.) Creating a movement means going beyond a single voice to shared vision and momentum.

Additionally, it’s not about what you know but how much you care that can make the most significant difference in generating successful transformation. Be willing to help mitigate unnecessary anxiety, recognize that you are a shepherd, or steward, of trust in and for your community, that your willingness to be transparent about what’s happening will all have greater impact as a leader than having all the answers. Being as transparent when and wherever possible – as in, here’s where we are, what’s working, what’s not, we need solutions here – invites others to share their expertise, energy, and get onboard with your wisdom.

“The best leaders ever to live not only succeeded in helping their teams win championships or their organizations to dominate the marketplace, but they deeply cared for people and understood what a privilege it is to be a leader (onboardonline.com).”

  1. Your impact is larger than you think it is.

I read somewhere that when one person changes, they affect the people in their inner circle, who then affect those in their inner circle, who then affect those in their world… to the point where 250,000 people are impacted by a single person’s change. Whether or not that number is true, the effect of what you do carries outward like the ripples on a pond when a pebble is dropped in it. What you do matters, especially when you have committed to being a leader.

A leader does not focus on attracting or getting followers, which is old school in terms of wielding power to gain conformity. In fact, some of the best leaders never have titles, merely a role in their persistent action toward a bold vision. Great leaders understand their community will naturally grow when they focus on creating other leaders and meaningful changes. This is the only way to create the conditions needed to sustain transformation in the long run.

  1. Be willing to get dirty.

Leaders are not merely figureheads; they must be involved and engaged and demonstrate their grit in achieving shift for their community. There are times when a leader absolutely must jump in and help get things sorted. That’s when inspiration is enhanced through passionate action. It also keeps the leader tuned in to what’s actually happening around their vision on a day-to-day basis.

“Passion is a turn-on : The most remarkable leaders possess, within their character, an ability to maintain a singular focus-even when confronted by realities that would serve to distract most others  (inc.com).”

  1. Your self-affinity defines the degree of transformation possible for your community.

You cannot lead others when you are on empty. A leader today recognizes their wellness is a barometer of how much they can give and how attractive they are in inviting others to create shift. Inner alignment with personal vitality fuels the larger environment your members experience and enables your charisma to shine. Your self-affinity – your wellness, your vitality, what restores you – must be a priority or your team, community and/or movement could be compromised.

“If you seek to lead, invest at least 50 percent of your time in leading yourself–your own purpose, ethics, principles, motivation, conduct (inc.com).”

“Successful leaders have good personality. A leader has to be physically and mentally fit. This requires tremendous physical stamina and mental strength. Followers respect a dynamic leader (yourarticlelibrary.com).”


Good leaders create the structure for transformation; great leaders know everyone is responsible for the result. Good leaders are responsible for their vision as well as the tools, resources, and framework to create positive momentum; great leaders understand constraints and address where someone has gotten off-track with their contribution.

In other words, you cannot speed through transformation and expect others to keep up with you. The ‘new’ leader recognizes that they must take greater care of people, give greater thought to relationships, conversations, and decisions, and holistically consider the human beings involved in the success equation. The new leader slows down for the movement to speed up.

Since you are reading this, you clearly resonate with being a conscious leader. Now that you have this information, what exactly are you leading – a race, a lifestyle ideal, acceleration or something else? Are you doing work that’s in alignment with you? What’s the new, next-level container you’re creating for yourself, your team, your community as we become more aware of current events taking place in our society (and the future choices we want to make)? What kind of impact are you being called to lead – speaking up about an issue you’ve not talked about publicly yet, creating change through an innovative use of resources or holding space for others to help make the world a better place?

Whatever your answers, you and I both know you are being called forward. Now is your moment to choose… what will you do to support yourself on behalf of your vision and the people you are here to help? It is my commitment to facilitate you in next-level leadership. Accordingly, please take advantage of one of my webinars or be bold and schedule a Discovery Session with me (it’s complimentary!). Either way, the only risk is NOT doing something different. I look forward to learning more about your work.

© 2021 Donell Hill

About Donnie Hill

Donnie believes business and leadership development are paths for healing, wealth creation, and community restoration. He is the Founder and CEO of Life Maximizer, LLC, a leadership development and business growth strategy consulting company. As an advisor, Donnie combines his personal healing journey and trauma-informed approach with his Stanford University education and experience as a communication and leadership coach, a marketing strategist, and a sales facilitator. Now, Donnie supports impact-focused business leaders strategically build their presence and thought leadership platform in a sustainable way so they can maximizer their contribution within their communities without sacrificing their wellbeing and burning themselves out.

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