Mastering You Is The Key To All Success

Life is a lot more simple than we humans make it out to be… if we just look at what comes into our lives, we can see that it’s just a reflection of the energy we put out previously.

Whatever happens in your life is also happening on every other level of your life. So if you are frugal in spending money, your social life is likely constricted in some way. If you are an adventurous risk taker with your travels, chances are you’re willing to try new things at work.

In other words, by understanding yourself, you master the success you experience.

What does this have to do with your leadership? Everything.

Your tribe grows only as fast as you do.

Your self-mastery determines the pace, tone and direction of how others in your sphere of influence can grow as well.

Your tribe must match and mirror your growth because your leadership is an expression of you. As you grow, your tribe cannot help but grow as well.

If you want your tribe to experience bigger, better, bolder results, you are calling yourself out to be bigger, better and bolder.

Now how do you do that? You invest.

You invest in what will pay you back – your mindset, your awareness, your skills and your attraction tools.

You invest in cleaning up what you don’t need anymore – outmoded beliefs, bad habits, dysfunctional relationships, distorted thought patterns.

And you invest in your professional presence – whether that’s your resume, curriculum vitae, accomplishments and volunteer work OR your website, marketing and packaging of what you’re offering to the world.

It all begins with you. You have to believe that you’re worth your own investment. You have to commit to doing what it takes to transcend your comfort zone. And you have to take action (or your life and career and tribe will stay the same).

So if you want to enjoy greater success in your life and work, what will you do today toward your self-mastery?

I’d love to know… please leave a comment below.


© 2015 Donell Hill

About Donell Hill

Donell (“Donnie”) Hill believes that people are here on Earth to thrive and live a joyful life despite any circumstances that life brings them. He combines his life lessons until now with his Stanford University education, experiences as a Certified Cancer Journey Coach and Peer Health Educator, as a NASM Certified Personal Trainer and a professional actor to help mission-driven leaders maximize their impact and create a legacy that elevates the quality of life and well-being of all those they serve. After all, our collective future depends on your joy and your willingness to share it with others. See for more.